Please email us at UCIWIR2021@gmail.com for questions. Keep an eye out on emails for upcoming intakes (intake dates below).

Our Story, Our Mission
Who we are
UCI WIR is a grassroots, volunteer-led organization.
UCI WIR’s first group began in May of 2021. We continue to grow to allow more opportunities for women to benefit from this experience. The more organizers involved, the more groups UCI WIR can facilitate. We welcome interest from all to join the committee.
What we do
As early career researchers, postdoctoral scholars grapple with novel dynamics within academia. Simultaneously, women in academia are often faced with obstacles less understood by their male counterparts. The Women in Research at University of California, Irvine (UCI WIR) program was developed to support postdoctoral women by providing them with an opportunity to discuss their experiences, uncertainties, and aspirations with other women in a group setting.
How we do it
Mentorship meetings provide support, advice, and encouragement in areas that are unrelated to scientific undertakings. UCI WIR is not intended to provide opportunities or networks for mentees in their respective fields. Instead, the goal of UCI WIR is for women to discuss issues that would similarly affect all women and early career researchers, regardless of their discipline, and in doing so provide a support network that transverses disciplines.
What to expect
The structure
Meetings are such that one senior mentor (i.e., an experienced member of faculty) meets with 5 to 6 postdoctoral scholars from various disciplines. This facilitates both senior and peer mentorship. To ensure unfettered participation from all mentees and mentors, mentees are not paired with seniors from their affiliated laboratories. Confidentiality is is VITAL to the program’s success and any breach will not be tolerated.
The Commitment
Mentorship meetings are 1.5 hours. Meetings are held in-person. The first orientation meeting occurs at the Starbucks on UCI main campus outside Natural Sciences II. Group members are encouraged to choose a meeting location that suits all participants at the end of the orientation meeting. Virtual attendance is only permitted under rare and exceptional circumstances.
For the first three months, meetings occur monthly. Thereafter, meetings occur once every two months, resulting in a total of seven meetings over 12 months.
Meeting themes
To ensure that mentees get the most out of their UCI WIR experience, we ask mentees to send us their questions throughout the program. A theme for each mentorship meeting will be chosen by the organizing committee depending on the prevalent themes and the example questions will be provided to the senior mentor prior to the meeting.
During the meetings, mentees are encouraged to discuss and ask all related issues and questions, respectively.

To volunteer your invaluable experience as senior researcher, please email us with ‘UCI WIR senior’ in the subject line.
To participate as a mentee, please email us with ‘UCI WIR mentee’ in the subject line and include:
- Your career stage and position at UCI
- All your affiliated laboratories
- What you hope to gain from participating in UCI WIR
Future Intake
- 2025 Announcements to come