New Postdocs
Before Arriving
Did you just accept your offer for a postdoc at UC Irvine? Here are some guides to get you started on your transition.
Domestic Postdocs
Domestic Postdoctoral Scholar Checklist
International Postdocs
International Postdoctoral Scholar Checklist
UCI International Center for J-1 Scholars
International Postdoc Survival Guide
After Arriving
Here are some things that aren’t really explained anywhere, but are useful to know.
- UCINetID: This is your electronic identification that is used for many online services at UCI. Your HR Administrator for your department should start the application process for this after you have completed your employment paperwork. It can take up to 2 weeks to get this.
- Email: Once you receive your UCINetID, you will get a UCI email address (usually in the form of UCINetID@uci.edu). UCI provides three email services that you can change between: UCI Gmail, Microsoft Exchange, and Webmail. Depending on your School, appointment, and/or other factors, you may not be able to use all these services. It is also possible to get an email alias (such as Your.Name@uci.edu).
- Employee ID Card: Visit the UCI Bookstore to obtain your employee ID card. You will need your UCI Employee ID (which you will get after you complete your employment paperwork).
- Business Cards: Business cards can be obtained. This will require approval from your PI.
- At Your Service Online: View your health insurance plan, earnings statement, tax documents, etc.
Postdoc Orientation
New postdocs should receive a welcome email and packet from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) after their arrival at UCI. Every quarter, the OPA sponsors an orientation session followed by a Happy Hour at the Anthill Pub & Grille. This orientation provides information on postdoc benefits (health insurance), career development and resources, the Postdoctoral Association (PDA), and the Union. For the next session, click here.
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs has created a Postdoctoral Scholar Handbook, a guide on the various resources that are available for UCI postdocs. Click here
Individual Development Plan
An Individual Development Plan (IDP) provides a planning process that identifies the postdoctoral scholar’s general individual research goals, professional development and career objectives. It may also serve as a link to the faculty supervisor/mentor’s research goal, and thus serves as a communication tool. As a first step in starting your IDP, you should follow the Postdoctoral Scholar IDP Guide.